If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase and you wish to take back your refund you can directly contact us with all your purchase details.
Customer feedback is essential for us as it further helps in improving the quality of services and products, so you can simply tell us the issue behind your return request including the order number sent through an email or contact us.
However, we are not responsible for any kind of delay induced by bank as it takes approx 21 days to process the refund and we are not liable for the same.
Customer is responsible for bearing the cost and will be charged extra if you made any changes in the original package like (dates, itinerary, inclusions etc) as per the Cancellation Policy.
Taj Explorers does not encourage the changes made for online bookings once they are finalized.
Also, we are not liable for any kind of change in the itinerary made by the traveler subject to mutual agreement.
Any kind of unavoidable accidents (such as riots and curfew) does not belong to us and hence, we are not liable for any kind of losses occurred.
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